4. Compare two Text files for differences

Example Use Case: Compare Pre/Post configuration files and provides differences between two configuration files

Here is how to do

4.1. Sample Execution Code for text Compare

# # Step. 1: Import necessary modules
from compare_it import CompareText, get_string_diffs
from nettoolkit import IO

# # Step. 2: Define Input fies.
f1 = 'pre-change.log'
f2 = 'post-change.log'
output_file = "delta_differences.txt"

# # Step. 3: Compare two files for adds/removals usng "CompareText"
# #        : Differences are stored under object.CTobj.diff dictionary
# #        : Extract it to a separate dictionary.
diff = {}
removals = CompareText(f1, f2, "- ")
adds = CompareText(f2, f1, "+ ")
diff['removed'] = removals.CTObj.diff
diff['adds'] = adds.CTObj.diff

# # Step. 4: convert the dictionary to string format using "get_string_diffs"
difference_dict_labels = {'adds': "ADDITIONS", 'removed': "REMOVES" }   # arbitrary Header
diff_str = get_string_diffs(diff,
        hn='HEADER [hostname]',                                         # provide arbitrary hostname

# # Step. 5: Write the text difference now to a text file using "nettoolkig.IO"
IO.to_file(output_file, matter=diff_str)

4.2. Snap of Execution for Cisco Style configurations


4.3. Snap of Execution for Juniper Style configurations
